Reviewer Guideline

Advances in Cardiac Research greatly values the contributions of our reviewers, who play a vital role in ensuring the quality and integrity of the articles we publish. We appreciate their expertise, time, and effort in providing constructive feedback that helps authors improve their work and contributes to the advancement of cardiac research. To maintain a high standard of peer review, we have established the following guidelines for our reviewers:

1. Expertise and Qualifications: Reviewers should possess relevant expertise and qualifications in the field of cardiology or related disciplines. Their knowledge and experience enable them to critically evaluate the scientific content, methodology, and significance of the research being reviewed.

2. Timely Response: Reviewers are requested to promptly respond to review invitations. If unable to accept a review assignment due to time constraints or a conflict of interest, we appreciate timely communication to ensure efficient editorial decision-making.

3. Confidentiality: Reviewers must treat all manuscripts as confidential documents. They should not discuss, share, or use any information from the manuscript or the review process without explicit permission from the journal.

4. Constructive Feedback: Reviewers should provide objective, constructive, and unbiased feedback to authors. Their comments should be clear, specific, and focused on improving the quality, clarity, and scientific merit of the manuscript. Suggestions for revisions should be actionable and supportive of the research and its potential impact.

5. Ethical Considerations: Reviewers should alert the journal if they identify any potential ethical concerns, such as plagiarism, duplicate publication, or undisclosed conflicts of interest. If necessary, they should provide appropriate justifications and evidence to support their concerns.

6. Timely Completion: Reviewers are expected to complete their reviews within the agreed-upon timeframe. If an extension is needed, they should promptly communicate with the journal's editorial office.

7. Professional Conduct: Reviewers should maintain a professional and courteous tone in their communication with authors and editors. Constructive criticism should be provided in a respectful manner that fosters academic growth and collaboration.

8. Conflict of Interest Disclosure: Reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may affect their impartiality or objectivity in reviewing a manuscript. Such conflicts may include personal, professional, or financial relationships with the authors or institutions involved in the study.

We greatly appreciate the commitment and expertise of our reviewers, whose contributions are invaluable to the quality and integrity of Advances in Cardiac Research. We believe that adherence to these guidelines ensures a fair, transparent, and rigorous peer review process.

If you are interested in becoming a reviewer for Advances in Cardiac Research or have any further questions regarding the review process, please contact our editorial office.

Feel free to customize these guidelines to fit the specific requirements and expectations of your journal and its peer review process.