About the Journal

About the Journal

Advances in Cardiac Research is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the publication of original research articles, reviews, and editorials focused on advancing the understanding of cardiac diseases and their management. Our journal provides a vital platform for researchers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals to share their insights and discoveries, with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes and advancing the field of cardiology.

Open Access Policy

Advances in Cardiac Research follows an open access policy, ensuring that all published articles are freely available to readers worldwide. This allows for widespread dissemination of knowledge and facilitates greater collaboration among researchers. We believe that open access promotes the rapid progress of scientific discovery and enables researchers to make a broader impact in their respective fields.

Focus and Scope

The journal covers a wide range of topics related to cardiovascular health, including basic science, clinical research, and translational studies. We welcome submissions that address various aspects of cardiac diseases, such as pathophysiology, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, preventive strategies, and outcomes research. Our aim is to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and provide a comprehensive understanding of cardiac diseases and their management.

Copyright Notice

All content published in Advances in Cardiac Research is protected by copyright. The ownership and usage rights of the published material are governed by the journal's copyright policies. Readers are permitted to use, share, and adapt the published work for non-commercial purposes, provided proper attribution is given. For any commercial use or reproduction, permission from the copyright holder is required.

Sponsorship Disclosure

Advances in Cardiac Research is an independent, academically driven journal that operates without any specific sponsorships or financial support. We prioritize maintaining editorial independence and ensuring the integrity and objectivity of our publications. Therefore, the content published in our journal is free from any undue influence or conflicts of interest.

Journal History

Advances in Cardiac Research is an innovative and forward-thinking journal established with the aim of providing a cutting-edge platform for researchers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals to contribute to the field of cardiology. Although a new addition to the scientific community, our journal is driven by a strong commitment to advancing the understanding of cardiac diseases and their management.

While we may not have an extensive publication history, our vision is to become a renowned journal known for publishing groundbreaking research and promoting transformative discoveries in cardiology. We aspire to be at the forefront of the field, fostering collaborations and encouraging interdisciplinary approaches that push the boundaries of knowledge.

With a dedicated team of editors and reviewers, we are eager to support and showcase the work of talented researchers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals worldwide. Through their contributions, we aim to improve patient outcomes, enhance the quality of care, and ultimately make a lasting impact on the field of cardiology.

Join us on this exciting journey as we build a strong foundation for Advances in Cardiac Research and contribute to the advancement of cardiology as a dynamic and evolving discipline.

Privacy Statement

We are committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of our users, including authors, reviewers, and readers. Any personal data collected through our website or submission system is handled securely and used solely for the purposes of journal management and communication. We adhere to relevant data protection laws and ensure the confidentiality of user information.

Archival Systems

Advances in Cardiac Research is included in the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) archival system, ensuring the long-term preservation and accessibility of our published content. This means that our articles are stored in multiple locations, safeguarding against any potential loss or disruption, and ensuring the availability of our content for future generations.