Open Access Policy

Open Access Policy

Advances in Cardiac Research is an open access journal, meaning that all articles published in our journal are freely available to readers worldwide. We firmly believe in the principle of open access, which allows for the widespread dissemination of research and facilitates global access to scientific knowledge.

Benefits of Open Access: Open access removes barriers to accessing research and promotes the rapid exchange of scientific information. By providing free and unrestricted access to our published content, we aim to facilitate broader engagement with our research findings and maximize the impact of the work conducted by our authors. Open access enables researchers, clinicians, and the general public to read, download, share, and build upon our articles, fostering collaboration and advancing the field of cardiology.

License to Publish: To ensure maximum accessibility and reuse of published content, Advances in Cardiac Research applies a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to all articles. This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they provide proper attribution to the original source. By applying a CC BY license, we encourage the open exchange of knowledge and enable authors' work to reach a wider audience.

Author Retention of Copyright: Authors retain the copyright of their published articles in Advances in Cardiac Research. We respect the rights of our authors and believe that retaining copyright empowers them to disseminate their work freely and exercise control over its use. The journal obtains a non-exclusive license to publish the article, ensuring that it remains accessible and citable through our platform.

Archiving and Indexing: Advances in Cardiac Research is archived in recognized repositories to ensure the long-term preservation of our published content. We collaborate with archival systems such as LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) to safeguard against potential loss or disruption. Our articles are also indexed in prominent databases and search engines, making them easily discoverable and enhancing their visibility.

Open Access Funding: Advances in Cardiac Research operates without article processing charges (APCs) or publication fees to ensure that authors are not financially burdened by the open access publishing process. We are committed to finding alternative funding models, such as institutional support or sponsorships, to sustain our open access policy and cover the costs associated with editorial processes and journal operations.

By adhering to an open access policy, Advances in Cardiac Research aims to foster the free flow of knowledge, promote collaboration, and contribute to the advancement of cardiac research for the benefit of researchers, clinicians, and patients.

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