
Advances in Cardiac Research is a new and promising journal that strives for excellence in disseminating scientific knowledge in the field of cardiology. We are pleased to inform our readers that we have made significant progress in enhancing the visibility and discoverability of our published articles by being indexed in prominent indexing services.

We are proud to announce that Advances in Cardiac Research is now indexed in OpenAIRE and Zenodo, two widely recognized platforms for sharing and archiving research outputs. These indexing services ensure that our content reaches a wide audience and increases the impact of the research published in our journal.

In addition to OpenAIRE and Zenodo, we are actively pursuing indexing opportunities in other relevant databases and search engines to further expand the visibility of our articles. Our goal is to make Advances in Cardiac Research accessible through renowned databases such as PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, and others. We understand the importance of these databases in enhancing the reputation of our journal and the visibility of our authors' research.

We are committed to maintaining high standards of quality and scientific rigor in our journal. Our strong editorial board, composed of esteemed experts from around the world, plays a crucial role in ensuring the credibility and excellence of the research published in Advances in Cardiac Research. Their expertise and guidance contribute significantly to the advancement of cardiology and the overall impact of our journal.

We invite researchers, clinicians, and readers to explore the valuable contributions published in Advances in Cardiac Research. Our innovative research and insights are making a significant impact in the field of cardiology and attracting the attention of renowned indexing services. We are confident that our ongoing efforts and collaboration with esteemed indexing databases will further enhance the visibility and impact of the research published in our journal.

We appreciate your support and encourage you to visit our website regularly for updates on our indexing progress and to access the latest advancements in cardiac research.