Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Advances in Cardiac Research is dedicated to upholding the highest ethical standards in scientific publishing. We expect all authors, reviewers, and editors to adhere to these principles to ensure the integrity and credibility of the research we publish.

Authorship and Originality: We require that all submitted manuscripts represent original work and that authors appropriately acknowledge the contributions of others. Authors should ensure that their work has not been previously published elsewhere and is not currently under consideration for publication in another journal. Any potential conflicts of interest or financial disclosures should be disclosed at the time of submission.

Peer Review Process: We employ a rigorous and impartial peer review process to evaluate all submitted manuscripts. Peer review ensures that published articles meet the highest scientific standards and are free from bias. Our reviewers are experts in their respective fields, and their feedback helps authors improve the quality and clarity of their work. We maintain strict confidentiality and ensure the anonymity of both authors and reviewers during the review process.

Plagiarism and Research Misconduct: We have a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism and research misconduct. Authors must ensure that their work is free from any form of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. Any unethical conduct, such as fabrication, falsification, or manipulation of data, is strictly prohibited and may result in severe consequences, including retraction of published articles.

Data and Materials Sharing: We encourage authors to share their research data and materials whenever possible, in compliance with relevant ethical guidelines and data protection regulations. Transparency and open data sharing facilitate the reproducibility and verification of research findings and contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge.

Conflicts of Interest: Authors should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence their research or its interpretation. These conflicts may include financial relationships, affiliations, or other competing interests that could be perceived as influencing the work. Transparency in reporting conflicts of interest enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of published research.

Publication Ethics and Retraction: We follow the guidelines and recommendations set forth by recognized organizations, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In cases of research misconduct, fraudulent data, or ethical breaches, we reserve the right to retract or correct published articles to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.

Advances in Cardiac Research is committed to fostering an environment of academic integrity, where all stakeholders are treated with fairness and respect. We strive to ensure that published research has a positive impact on patient care and the advancement of cardiology as a whole.